Rules: Play a Card

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Land Cards
A player who plays a land card takes a hexagonal land tile of their colour and places it on any empty land space on the board of the same type as the card played. Note: the land tiles are printed with a different player colour on each side. Example - red plays a mountain card, and puts a red land tile on any empty mountain space on the game board.
If the played land card shows a pampas field, the player places a hexagonal tile on any free pampas space which is adjacent to one of his existing land tiles. Example - Red plays a pampas card, and puts one of his land tiles on a pampas space adjacent to an existing red land tile.
It may become impossible to play certain land cards when there are no more free spaces on the board of that type. When this happens, the land card is treated like a pampas card. Eg. If a mountain card is played and there are no empty mountain spaces, the player places a land tile on any empty pampas space adjacent to one of his existing land tiles.
All cards are put aside once played.
Land chain: Several adjacent land tiles of the same colour on the board represent a chain. If the chain is al least 3 spaces long it will score victory points during scoring. There are no points for single tiles or for chains of two.
Tip: Try to form land chains with 3 or more tiles.
Animal Cards
When an animal card is played, the player takes a corresponding animal tile of his colour and places it on the board on an empty pampas space which is adjacent to one of the player's land tiles or one of the player's animal tiles which shows the same animal. A herd consists of one or more adjacent tiles showing the same type of animal. A herd can affect other herds. All animal cards are put aside once played. Herds belonging to different players may be adjacent.
Tip: Pay attention when placing animals on the board that enough pampas fields remain free on which you can later place a water tile.
If a herd reaches the side of a market, the player immediately receives money from the bank. If during the turn a herd reaches several sides of a market place, it will receive money several times. For each side of a marketplace, the player receives money once. The amount which the player receives is worked out according to the following formula: Number of animal tiles in the herd + number of land tiles = 1 peso each. For "number of land tiles" count all land tiles which are connected to the herd (see Variants for information on other market options).
Note: If a player increases a herd without reaching a new market, he receives no extra money.
Note: A player who reaches a market with a herd - even if the herd consists of just one animal tile - is considered to have connected that market. This will score points during scoring.
Tip: Try to reach as many markets as possible with your animal tiles.